Business & Economy
Environment & Sustainability
Innovation & Technology
Public Policy
Social Changes and Health
Student Bonding & Development
World Relations
  • Environment & Sustainability
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
An international research team led by Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), has developed an AI model that not only reveals global ammonia emissions from cropland are lower than previously estimated, but also demonstrates how optimizing fertilizer management can effectively reduce emissions by approximately 38%. The study has been published in Nature, providing valuable insights for policymakers worldwide in addressing the UN’s SDGs pertaining to poverty eradication, food security, and sustainable agriculture.
Photo Credit: 紫荊雜誌
  • Public Policy
In a column article on a proposal to set up an International Red Cross Humanitarian Center in HK, it was mentioned that Prof. Pengyu ZHU, Associate Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), had attended a conference with representatives from the International Academy of Red Cross & Red Crescent and the Association For International Soft Law Promotion.
Photo Credit: UGC
  • Public Policy
教資會辦「大學領導論壇」 講題涵「對校董會期望」
The University Leadership Forum, organized by the UGC, will feature former Council Chairman Dr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing and Prof. Anthony CHEUNG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), as guest speakers along with various higher education representatives, who will engage in discussions on university governance during the forum. The event will also include keynote speeches by Secretary for Education Dr. Christine CHOI Yuk-Lin, while RGC Chairman Prof. Wong Yuk-Shan will deliver a speech on the university research funding mechanism
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Public Policy
Aging a challenge but also an opportunity
In an article by Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) on aging as a challenge and opportunity, he discussed the opportunities of developing the “Silver Economy” in response to the increasing aging population in China.
Photo Credit: 紫荊雜誌
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Public Policy
Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and other guests attended a symposium on international humanitarianism and sustainable development at HKUST.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Business & Economy
  • World Relations
China investors eye Africa’s tiny island of Mauritius as it goes green and tries to sweeten trade deals
In an article on Chinese investors eyeing Africa's tiny island of Mauritius as it goes green and tries to sweeten trade deals, Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), was quoted as saying that overseas energy investments by private Chinese companies fit into that belt and road push, which has shifted from Chinese state-backed megaprojects, such as ports, to smaller and more profitable projects, including green energy.
Photo Credit: UGC
  • Public Policy
蔡若蓮:丁點分裂內耗 傷害不可彌補
The University Leadership Forum, organized by the UGC, featured guest speakers such as Court Chairman Dr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing and Prof. Anthony CHEUNG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), as well as various higher education representatives. They shared insights on institutional governance and thoughts on the future development of higher education in HK during the forum. Secretary for Education Dr. CHOI Yuk-Lin delivered a keynote speech and urged all council chairpersons and members to enhance institutional governance from three perspectives: the governance system, capability, and efficacy.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Social Changes and Health
Covid-19 deaths drag down Hong Kong life expectancy, but population experts say no cause for alarm
In an article on the Covid-19 pandemic denting HK’s record for longevity, Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), was quoted as saying that it’s not the case that in 2022 people’s lives got shorter, it’s just the case that there were more deaths, primarily at older ages, which is going to skew the life expectancy.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Innovation & Technology
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he commented on the ethical dilemmas over AI romantic relationships.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Business & Economy
Prof. Chi Ming SHUN, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), said HKUST is developing a climate adaptation and resilience plan with a focus on tropical and urban environments at the 17th Asian Financial Forum (AFF). He added that the data from insurers and other organizations can be used to quantify climate risks and develop new insurance products related to extreme weather events.
Photo Credit
  • Business & Economy
Trending Development of Virtual Banking
Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, Co-Director of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management shared his insights on virtual banking and development of fin-tech on RTHK.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
Ecological Environment Protection in GBA
Prof. Alexis LAU, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his insights on ecological environment protection in GBA on
Photo Credit: Irina Iriser
  • Public Policy
Balancing Economic Development and Ecological Conservation in Greater Bay Area
Prof. QI Ye, Director of Institute for Public Policy (IPP) joined the 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (GD) International Communication Forum and expressed his view on Greater Bay Area's economic development on
  • Public Policy
International conference to seek policies to maximize GBA opportunities
Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) delivered a keynote speech in the International Conference of Social Policy and Governance Innovation and shared some of the main demographic challenges faced by GBA.
Photo Credit: ABS-CBN News
  • Environment & Sustainability
Can PH, rest of world shift to 100% renewable energy?
Prof. Laurence DELINA, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability was interviewed by ABS-CBN News. He shared how he moved from civil engineering to sustainability science and his views on how his country - the Philippines, should develop a decentralized sustainable and renewable energy system.
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
Bringing New Hope to Improvement of Hazy Air Pollution
A research team led by Prof. YU Jianzhen, Professor at Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) and Department of Chemistry, unveiled a first-in-kind study of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and its role in the rise and fall of airborne sulfates in hazy air pollution, offering policymakers new insights into ways to tackle smoggy weather.
Photo Credit: Markus Spiske
  • Environment & Sustainability
Hong Kong’s ‘revolution of our times’ should focus on climate change
Prof. Christine LOH,Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), shared her insights in an article on green bonds. She believes that the HK government should explore more green investment options such as blue bonds, thus making HK a hub for green capital.
Photo Credit: SWKStock
  • Innovation & Technology
Making API Public Could Boost Business Development
Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, Co-Director of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management shared his insights on how making API public could boost business development. Full version news is only available for HKEJ subscribers.
Photo CreditL Natasa Adzic
  • Social Changes and Health
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his thought about quarantine in controlling the spread of the Coronavirus in various media.
Photo Credit: Reuters
  • Social Changes and Health
Why we might have to accept that this new coronavirus could be here to stay
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice, Division of Public Policy (PPOL) shared his thoughts that the governments to start planning for mitigation and to prepare their populations for the novel coronavirus.