Business & Economy
Environment & Sustainability
Innovation & Technology
Public Policy
Social Changes and Health
Student Bonding & Development
World Relations
Photo Credit: The Hong Kong Economic Journal
  • Environment & Sustainability
本地大學研究成果影響全球 多項研究推進環保節能新發展
In an UGC advertorial showcasing recent advancements in various university research projects related to environmental protection and energy conservation, it was mentioned that Prof. Jianzhen YU, Associate Head of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), and her team focus on the study of PM2.5 in the atmosphere. The team has achieved scientific consensus in addressing two major air pollution issues in Hong Kong, namely local street-level pollution and regional haze.
Photo Credit: Dr. Rong ZHANG
  • Innovation & Technology
In a feature interview about the launch of the pioneering metaverse course by HKUST and HKUST(GZ), it highlights the collaborative efforts of Prof. Pan HUI, Chair Professor of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), and Dr. Rong ZHANG, Lecturer I of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA) as they have successfully merged the concepts of metaverse and design thinking. The article further emphasizes how ten students from diverse disciplines at both the Clear Water Bay and GZ campuses fully immersed themselves in the study of design thinking methods and their practical implementation in metaverse education in the metaverse classroom, effectively transcending the constraints of physical space.
Photo Credit: HKUST
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
Scientists develop eco-friendly repellent against bedbugs
HKUST has jointly established a laboratory with Absolute Pure EnviroSci Limited (APEL) to develop and translate novel discoveries into groundbreaking health and environmental innovations, including highly effective and long-lasting pest repellent against bedbugs, which is set to be adopted by HK athletes during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Prof. King Lun YEUNG, Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) attended the ceremony.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Public Policy
Improving residents' cultural experiences will attract visitors too
In an article by Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), she commented on how HK can improve residents' cultural experiences to attract visitors to the city.
Photo Credit: HKUST
  • Environment & Sustainability
ESG女皇陸恭蕙 訴說香港可持續性故事
In a magazine cover story, Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), was featured to share her insights on environment and sustainability in Hong Kong.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
In a column article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he discussed the possibility of using AI to explore sustainable development models.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Public Policy
日本地震致核電站冷卻水外溢 港府指暫不收緊與食安相關措施
In a report, Prof. Julien DE TROULLIOUD DE LANVERSIN, Assistant Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), said only a small amount of water leaked from the cooling pool and the impact on the environment is negligible for recent earthquake-induced water leakage issue in Japan’s Ishikawa.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
In column articles by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he discussed how to find a solution using first principles thinking and how to gain deeper understanding of problems and propose solutions with first principles thinking
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
Climate change is getting real: Hong Kong's winters getting shorter while summers simmering for longer
In an article on how climate change affects weather in Hong Kong, Prof. Xiaoming SHI, Assistant Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) was quoted as saying that global warming is making the hot season longer and the cold season shorter, posing greater threat to low-income populations. Prof. Laurence DELINA, Assistant Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), was quoted as saying that those who are working outside such as construction workers and laborers exposed to intense heat during hotter days are also the most vulnerable.
Photo Credit: Unsplash
  • Public Policy
2024 outlook: China property market turn requires new growth model
In an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), and Elisha M. (Shan) SONTHRA, student of Master of Public Policy (MPP) student, they commented on the outlook for China's property market in 2024.
Photo Credit: cottonbro@Pexels
  • Public Policy
What We Can Learn from the Coronavirus Crisis
Prof. Christine LOH,Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared her thoughts on the impacts and lessons brought by COVID-19.
Photo Credit: Sergio Souza
  • Public Policy
How Should We Respond to the Coronavirus Crisis?
Prof. WU Xun , Head of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) & Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of PPOL shared their views on the world’s policy response on coronavirus.
Photo Credit: Catia Matos
  • Innovation & Technology
Problems of Digital Divide Showed During COVID-19
Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, Co-Director of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management (T&M-DDP) wrote an article on the digital divide in this society and how it affects people from different age groups and education backgrounds during this COVID pandemic.
Photo Credit: Gustavo Fring
  • Social Changes and Health
Coronavirus: Why some countries wear face masks and others don’t
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) explained the reasons behind the mask-wearing habit in different countries.
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  • Public Policy
Pandemic Lessons to our Leaders
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) commented on governments of wealthy nations tend to have an optimism bias that leads to myopia in times of crisis, which may affect decision-making concerning the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
Improving Air Quality in High Density Cities
PRAISE-HK (Personalized Real-time Air-quality Informatics System for Exposure–Hong Kong) was mentioned in an article published by World Green Building Council. PRAISE-HK demonstrates how we can use technology to reduce personal exposure and health risk from outdoor air pollution.
Photo Credit: Anna Shvets
  • Innovation & Technology
With nanodiamonds and salts, researchers compete to design face masks that kills coronavirus
Prof. YEUNG King Lun, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) commented on the applicability of another anti-virus coating developed by another research institute, saying WHO always wants to ascertain if all countries have equal access to a certain new hygiene or medical product before deciding whether they should adopt it.
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  • Innovation & Technology
25 best online classes you can take for free
HKUST’s MOOC course “The Science of Gastronomy”, taught by Prof. King L. CHOW, Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO) and Prof. Lung Yeung LAM, Adjunct Associate Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), was recommended as one of the best 25 online courses that people can take for free amid the stay-at-home period.
Photo CreditL Magda Ehlers
  • Public Policy
Why coronavirus lockdowns will not be easy for developing countries, and what they can learn
Prof. WU Xun , Head of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) co-wrote a column article on the containment measures for Covid-19 in developing countries.
Photo Credit: Element5 Digital
  • Public Policy
Govt should “exercise restraint” in deploying “institutional prerogatives” when wanting to call for early general elections, says Prof Donald Low
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) commented on why the Singapore government wanted to hold an early election, saying that people in power should exercise restraint in deploying their institutional prerogatives.