
Photo Credit: Clean Air Network
- Environment & Sustainability
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
In the "indoor air quality forum" organized by the Clean Air Network (CAN), Prof. Zhi NING, Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies) of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) and Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), introduced "Clean Air Schools for HK" project, which was carried out in collaboration with CAN. The project collected data on air quality in HK schools from August 2022 to July 2023. Prof. NING stated that these data enabled more efficient analysis to support research on indoor environments and laid a solid foundation for future education and public awareness efforts. Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), also attended the forum.
Line Today
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇 」 倡議改善室內環境以促進港人身心健康
Yellow Bus
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇 」 倡議改善室內環境以促進港人身心健康
Yellow Bus
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力

Photo Credit: Pexels
- Environment & Sustainability
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come
In an article by Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), she commented on how HK can attract more visitors by promoting the city’s phenomenal natural environment, culture, and heritage.
China Daily - HK
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come
China Daily - HK
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come

Photo Credit: Pixabay
- Innovation & Technology
In a column article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he introduced experiential learning in the age of AI.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
- Innovation & Technology
AI伴侶能治孤獨症? 如雙刃劍須運用得當
In a column article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he discussed the proper use of AI Chatbots.
- Environment & Sustainability
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
An international research team led by Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), has developed an AI model that not only reveals global ammonia emissions from cropland are lower than previously estimated, but also demonstrates how optimizing fertilizer management can effectively reduce emissions by approximately 38%. The study has been published in Nature, providing valuable insights for policymakers worldwide in addressing the UN’s SDGs pertaining to poverty eradication, food security, and sustainable agriculture.
PR Newswire
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
The National Tribune
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Australian Associated Press
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Latin Business Today
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Business Today
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
百度新聞 APP
AI優化施肥管理 減少農田氨氣排放
PR Newswire
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
The National Tribune
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Australian Associated Press
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Latin Business Today
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Business Today
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
百度新聞 APP
AI優化施肥管理 減少農田氨氣排放

Photo Credit: 紫荊雜誌
- Public Policy
In a column article on a proposal to set up an International Red Cross Humanitarian Center in HK, it was mentioned that Prof. Pengyu ZHU, Associate Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), had attended a conference with representatives from the International Academy of Red Cross & Red Crescent and the Association For International Soft Law Promotion.

Photo Credit: UGC
- Public Policy
蔡若蓮:丁點分裂內耗 傷害不可彌補
The University Leadership Forum, organized by the UGC, featured guest speakers such as Court Chairman Dr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing and Prof. Anthony CHEUNG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), as well as various higher education representatives. They shared insights on institutional governance and thoughts on the future development of higher education in HK during the forum. Secretary for Education Dr. CHOI Yuk-Lin delivered a keynote speech and urged all council chairpersons and members to enhance institutional governance from three perspectives: the governance system, capability, and efficacy.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
- Public Policy
Aging a challenge but also an opportunity
In an article by Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) on aging as a challenge and opportunity, he discussed the opportunities of developing the “Silver Economy” in response to the increasing aging population in China.
China Daily
Aging a challenge but also an opportunity

Photo Credit: 紫荊雜誌
- Environment & Sustainability
- Public Policy
Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and other guests attended a symposium on international humanitarianism and sustainable development at HKUST.

Photo Credit: UGC
- Public Policy
教資會辦「大學領導論壇」 講題涵「對校董會期望」
The University Leadership Forum, organized by the UGC, will feature former Council Chairman Dr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing and Prof. Anthony CHEUNG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), as guest speakers along with various higher education representatives, who will engage in discussions on university governance during the forum. The event will also include keynote speeches by Secretary for Education Dr. Christine CHOI Yuk-Lin, while RGC Chairman Prof. Wong Yuk-Shan will deliver a speech on the university research funding mechanism
教資會辦「大學領導論壇」 講題涵「對校董會期望」
另談大學撥款機制 研資局主席黃玉山主講
教資會辦「大學領導論壇」 講題涵「對校董會期望」
另談大學撥款機制 研資局主席黃玉山主講

- Student Bonding & Development
Startup to help the hearing impaired
An exclusive interview with Sigurd Anders BERG, Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management (T&M-DDP) alumnus – the Product Manager of a startup company Incus which was co-founded by Prof. Richard SO from Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA) and his student Calvin ZHANG. Berg talked about a novel hearing aid technology developed by Prof So’s team which could effectively differentiate environmental noise from human sound.
HK Economic Times (Subscription needed)
助聽耳機「耆」招 分離人聲環境聲
HK Economic Times (Subscription needed)
科技改變人類 挪威青年投身初創
HK Economic Times (Subscription needed)
助聽耳機「耆」招 分離人聲環境聲
HK Economic Times (Subscription needed)
科技改變人類 挪威青年投身初創

Photo Credit: Gustavo Fring
- Social Changes and Health
Is handmade waterproof fabric face mask a solution?
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared the pros and cons of handmade waterproof fabric face mask, saying while these masks’ filter efficiency can exceed 90%, there may be insufficient ventilation.

Photo Credit: Sascha Hormel
- Environment & Sustainability
Maritime sector plays a vital role in tackling issues
Prof. Christine LOH,Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) said in an article that the maritime sector plays a vital role in tackling issues such as trade and growth, climate change, global infrastructure as well as food and energy security.
Hellenic Shipping News
Global Maritime Forum turns to youth to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals
Hellenic Shipping News
Global Maritime Forum turns to youth to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals

Photo Credit: Magda Ehlers
- Social Changes and Health
Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Masks Sold In the Market
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) helped test the filtration efficiency of surgical masks sold in loose packs in the market and found that their particle filtration efficiency only ranged between 1.3% to 59.6%. Prof. Kwan said these masks give the users a sense of false security and advised against buying them.

Photo Credit: fahimxyz@Pixabay
- Public Policy
Singaporeans should not be boastful or “haolian” when they are doing well
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) commented about lockdown life amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the Singaporean government should have done more about the wretched living conditions of their foreign workers.

Photo Credit: HaiRobe
- Innovation & Technology
- Social Changes and Health
New Smart Anti-microbial Coating is Helping the Needy
The new smart anti-microbial coating developed by the research team led by Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) and Prof. YEUNG King Lun, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) was being used to sterilize the homes of 1,100 grassroots families under the sponsorship of the Lee Hysan Foundation.

Photo Credit: Markus Spiske
- Social Changes and Health
How social distancing might stick after the coronavirus
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) commented on how lock-down life amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Photo Credit: Anna Shvets
- Innovation & Technology
- Social Changes and Health
Smart Anti-microbial Coating & the Possibility of Mask Reuse
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) and his PhD student Kristy SUEN shared their research on smart anti-microbial coating and the possibility of mask reuse.

Photo Credit: Wina Tristiana
- Innovation & Technology
- Social Changes and Health
New Smart Anti-microbial Coating Will Be Applied to Buses
The new smart anti-microbial coating developed by the research team led by Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) and Prof. YEUNG King Lun, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) will be applied to 140 buses of the New Lantau Bus company.

Photo Credit: Ylanite Koppens
- Public Policy
Why the East Asian countries have done well in the fight against Covid-19 ?
Prof. WU Xun , Head of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) shared his thoughts on why the East Asian countries have done well in the fight against Covid-19, naming their experience in fighting past epidemics and decisive political leadership as two main factors.