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Photo Credit: Capital
  • Student Bonding & Development
香港科技大學跨學科學院 學習無界限 全面培育創新人才
In a feature article by Capital magazine with AIS Dean Prof. QU Huamin, he mentioned that HKUST has established HK's first Division of Art and Machine Creativity, discussing the rising importance of interdisciplinary education at HKUST, and emphasizing its role in preparing students for complex societal challenges. He introduced HKUST's initiatives that aim to uphold HK's position as an innovation hub by cultivating interdisciplinary talents. By collaborating with industry experts, HKUST provides practical training and aims to make significant societal impacts through interdisciplinary research and learning.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
Prof. Huamin QU, Dean of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), was interviewed in a video as a Weiqi enthusiast to share his appreciation for Weiqi and its impact and inspiration on him. He also shared his insights on AI’s impact on traditional Weiqi.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
向畢加索學創意 解構與重建新思維
Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), expressed his thoughts on "learning from Picasso's creativity to deconstruct and reconstruct new thinking" in his column article.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), expressed his thoughts on "making life planning with design thinking" in his column article.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Public Policy
Cassy CHAN, Project Manager of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), shared her thoughts on raising awareness about minority groups' mental health and the development of a sound support system for them.
  • Innovation & Technology
科大推全港首個藝術與機器創造力學部 25/26學年推4個研究生課程
HKUST announced the establishment of the Division of Arts and Machine Creativity (AMC), a cross-disciplinary center that promotes the convergence of technology and art. As the first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Division will launch PG programs with curricula comparable to renowned institutions like MIT's famous Media Lab to nurture Art Tech talents who can leverage cutting-edge technologies such as AI and machine learning in art creation process.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Public Policy
China’s Third Plenum Offers Little Hope for a Flagging Economy
In an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), he shared his thoughts on how the outcome of China’s recently concluded Third Plenum indicates a mismatch between what the Chinese economy requires for a swift recovery and what policymakers are prepared to deliver.
  • Student Bonding & Development
Top programs see stiff competition at universities
In the final round of JUPAS choice modification, BSc in Environmental Management and Technology (EVMT) program saw the strongest competition at HKUST, with 149 students vying for just 16 available places.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
【#香港家書20240720】 香港科技大學環境及可持續發展學部主任及講座教授劉啟漢
In RTHK’s “Letters to Hong Kong” radio program, Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), explained the reasons for the extreme heat and the corresponding strategies we could adopt.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Student Bonding & Development
成績非人生所有 換位思考迎未來
Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), shared tips and advice for HKDSE candidates to plan their future.
Photo Credit: HK01
  • Student Bonding & Development
Space-Out Helps You!
CHAN Kai Ho, Hercules, a year 4 RMBI student of has won the Champion of International Space-Out Competition in Taipei.
  • Innovation & Technology
The Lumos Helmet - TIME's BEST Inventions 2018
The smart bicycle helmet Lumos, co-created by Jeff CHEN, alumnus of Dual Degree Program of Technology & Management, and Mr Eu-wen DING, was selected as one of the Best Inventions of 2018 by TIME magazine.
  • Environment & Sustainability
"REMAKE" Promotes Reduction in E-waste
Angel OR, Year 2 student in Environmental Management and Technology Program, co-founded "REMAKE" to promote reduction in E-Waste and the Right to Repair by hosting bi-monthly Repair Parties.
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
EPD Will Deploy New Sensor Developed by IENV to Monitor Vessel Emissions
The Institute for the Environment (IENV) developed a new senor system for real-time measurement of vessel emissions to help the enforcement of the tightened Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation.
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
HKUST New App (PRAISE-HK) is launched!
HKUST Institute for the Environment today launched a new mobile app that aims to help users reduce their exposure to outdoor air pollution.
Hong Kong Economic Journal
Photo CreditL CNN
  • Environment & Sustainability
Future Survivability of Heat Waves in South Asia
Prof. Eun Soon IM, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability – who took part in MIT’s study on future survivability of heat waves in South Asia – commented on the heat waves in India, saying we are facing an upper limit on human heat tolerance if we continue to produce the greenhouse gases at the current pace.
  • Public Policy
Could psychology have helped Carrie Lam avoid Hong Kong’s extradition bill fiasco?
Article by Prof. Donald LOW, Director of Leadership and Public Policy Programme at South China Morning Post
Photo Credit: Ayala
  • Environment & Sustainability
China is embracing green tech to clean up its polluted cities
Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability shared her observations in an article about China’s green technology, saying that there are a growing number of e-buses, e-vans and e-taxis all over the Pearl River Delta.
Photo Credit: Mali Maeder
  • Environment & Sustainability
What should be done to tackle the world's plastic waste?
Prof. Ye QI , Director of Institute for Public Policy shared his insights about the plastic waste issue in China in an interview about how to tackle the world’s plastic waste, saying China is doing the right thing to ban garbage import from other countries.
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
Let's get going on road to cleaner air
Editorial by Prof. Alexis LAU, Associate Director of Institute for the Environment at The Standard