
Media Credit: 香港01
- Business & Economy
網約車平台|Uber提規管框架建議 倡司機需有牌照及接受背景審查
The HK government is mulling measures to regulate online ride-hailing services. Prof. Donald LOW, the Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL), made reference to Singapore, where ride-hailing platforms have already been legalized, pointing out that the legalization process in HK would be easier, and there will certainly be some "losers" in the process. (Various media)

Media Credit: 香港經濟日報網
- Innovation & Technology
尖子透視|科大兩尖子自學AI屢獲創科獎 開公司推全港首個AI驅動DSE備考平台
Two HKUST students, Tommy NGAN (Year 2, Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management) and Johnny HO (Year 2, BBA in Information Systems), have clinched numerous accolades in various I&T competitions. They are poised to launch an AI-driven DSE exam preparation platform, designed to help DSE candidates to level-up their study strategies. (HK Economic Times)

Media Credit: 新浪網
- Innovation & Technology
無需百卡集群!港科等開源LightGen: 極低成本文生圖方案媲美SOTA模型
A team led by Prof. Harry YANG, the Assistant Professor of Division of Arts and Machine Creativity (AMC), has developed a new, highly-efficient image generation model LightGen in collaboration with Everlyn AI and the University of Central Florida (UCF). The findings were unveiled in their paper titled "LightGen: Efficient Image Generation through Knowledge Distillation and Direct Preference Optimization". (Sina and Sina HK)

Media Credit: 香港經濟日報
- Innovation & Technology
懷疑+信念 應對AI時代多變世界
A column article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, the Adjunct Professor of Division of Integrative Systems & Design (ISD), on how to cope with the changing world in AI era. (HK Economic Times)

Media Credit: China Daily HK
- World Relations
Under Trump administration, US is losing its cherished freedoms
An article by Prof. Michael EDESESS, the Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR), on US under Trump administration. (China Daily - HK)

Media Credit: Pixabay
- Business & Economy
Opinion | 3 steps Hong Kong workplaces can take to end sexual harassment
An article by the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) student, Mr. David YU Chak-Wai, on how businesses in Hong Kong should address workplace harassment and provide a safe environment for their employees. (SCMP)

Media Credit: MSN Lifestyle UK
- Public Policy
How South Korea reversed its catastrophic population decline and what the world can learn
In an article on the population issue in South Korea, Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, the Professor of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and Division of Social Science (SOSC), was quoted as saying that he would be surprised to see a dramatic and pronounced increase over the next few years, because the policies based around childcare and financial incentives do not address some of the root causes: issues around the fragility of work, sexism and discrimination, and the high expectations of what parents have to do for children. (

Media Credit: 香港01
- Public Policy
An advertorial about HKUST’s two-year Master Program in Public Policy (MPP), featuring interview of Program Co-Directors Prof. Alex HE and Dr. Marie BERNAL. They shared how the program provides comprehensive training and an 8-month policy analysis component to cultivate public policy professional. (HK01)

Media Credit: Phys Org
- Environment & Sustainability
Nitrogen's dominant role in global organic aerosol absorption revealed
A collaborative research team has introduced a nitrogen-centric framework that explains the light-absorbing effects of atmospheric organic aerosols. The study was jointly led by Prof. YU Jianzhen, the Chair Professor of Department of Chemistry (CHEM) and Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR), Prof. FU Tzung-May, Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) and National Center for Applied Mathematics Shenzhen (NCAMS). The study, entitled “Nitrogen Dominates Global Atmospheric Organic Aerosol Absorption”, was published in the top-tier international journal Science. (Various media)

Media Credit : 文匯網
- Business & Economy
【兩會前瞻之深化合作】加速深港協同創新 優勢互補推進創科
In a feature on GBA collaborations, WWP interviewed the Research Professor of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), Prof. Kei-May LAU, and HKUST alumnus LEUNG Foo about their journeys in developing innovative semiconductor technologies to contribute to Hong Kong. The duo shared insights into how HK’s unique advantages have fueled the growth of their start-ups and how the collaborative ecosystem within the GBA offers a fertile ground for further advancements. Meanwhile, WWP also talked to SHCIRI General Director Prof. YANG Jinglei, who elaborated on HKUST's strategic developments in Hetao. He emphasized SHCIRI's pivotal role in driving the integration of Shenzhen and Hong Kong's strengths, aiming to establish a world-class I&T hub in the region. (Various media)

Photo Credit: HK01
- Student Bonding & Development
Space-Out Helps You!
CHAN Kai Ho, Hercules, a year 4 RMBI student of has won the Champion of International Space-Out Competition in Taipei.

- Innovation & Technology
The Lumos Helmet - TIME's BEST Inventions 2018
The smart bicycle helmet Lumos, co-created by Jeff CHEN, alumnus of Dual Degree Program of Technology & Management, and Mr Eu-wen DING, was selected as one of the Best Inventions of 2018 by TIME magazine.

- Environment & Sustainability
"REMAKE" Promotes Reduction in E-waste
Angel OR, Year 2 student in Environmental Management and Technology Program, co-founded "REMAKE" to promote reduction in E-Waste and the Right to Repair by hosting bi-monthly Repair Parties.

- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation & Technology
EPD Will Deploy New Sensor Developed by IENV to Monitor Vessel Emissions
The Institute for the Environment (IENV) developed a new senor system for real-time measurement of vessel emissions to help the enforcement of the tightened Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation.
科大研無人機傳感器 助篩查遠洋船排放
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong authorities set to ramp up fight against air pollution from ships by flying drones to monitor emissions
科大研無人機傳感器 量度船舶廢氣排放
科大無人機 兩分鐘捉船污染
Lloyd's List
Hong Kong tests emission-sensing drones
Radio Television Hong Kong
Flying drones in monitoring air pollution
科大研無人機傳感器 助篩查遠洋船排放
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong authorities set to ramp up fight against air pollution from ships by flying drones to monitor emissions
科大研無人機傳感器 量度船舶廢氣排放
科大無人機 兩分鐘捉船污染
Lloyd's List
Hong Kong tests emission-sensing drones
Radio Television Hong Kong
Flying drones in monitoring air pollution

- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation & Technology
HKUST New App (PRAISE-HK) is launched!
HKUST Institute for the Environment today launched a new mobile app that aims to help users reduce their exposure to outdoor air pollution.
科大PRAISE-HK實時空氣質素查詢App 資訊準確至街道為單位
OpenGov Asia
New HKUST app helps people deal with air pollution
Lion Rock Daily
PRAISE-HK流動應用程式 準確預測空氣質素
Hong Kong Economic Times
科大環境研究所籌備兩年 推實時空氣質素監測程式
Hong Kong Economic Journal
科大推檢測空氣污染App 滙豐有份資助
Hong Kong Economic Journal
科大推空氣污染App 用家可自選清新路線
科大PRAISE-HK實時空氣質素查詢App 資訊準確至街道為單位
OpenGov Asia
New HKUST app helps people deal with air pollution
Lion Rock Daily
PRAISE-HK流動應用程式 準確預測空氣質素
Hong Kong Economic Times
科大環境研究所籌備兩年 推實時空氣質素監測程式
Hong Kong Economic Journal
科大推檢測空氣污染App 滙豐有份資助
Hong Kong Economic Journal
科大推空氣污染App 用家可自選清新路線

Photo CreditL CNN
- Environment & Sustainability
Future Survivability of Heat Waves in South Asia
Prof. Eun Soon IM, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability – who took part in MIT’s study on future survivability of heat waves in South Asia – commented on the heat waves in India, saying we are facing an upper limit on human heat tolerance if we continue to produce the greenhouse gases at the current pace.
Are parts of India becoming too hot for humans?
Are parts of India becoming too hot for humans?

- Public Policy
Could psychology have helped Carrie Lam avoid Hong Kong’s extradition bill fiasco?
Article by Prof. Donald LOW, Director of Leadership and Public Policy Programme at South China Morning Post
South China Morning Post
Could psychology have helped Carrie Lam avoid Hong Kong’s extradition bill fiasco?
South China Morning Post
Could psychology have helped Carrie Lam avoid Hong Kong’s extradition bill fiasco?

Photo Credit: Ayala
- Environment & Sustainability
China is embracing green tech to clean up its polluted cities
Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability shared her observations in an article about China’s green technology, saying that there are a growing number of e-buses, e-vans and e-taxis all over the Pearl River Delta.
Sustainability Times
China is embracing green tech to clean up its polluted cities
Sustainability Times
China is embracing green tech to clean up its polluted cities

Photo Credit: Mali Maeder
- Environment & Sustainability
What should be done to tackle the world's plastic waste?
Prof. Ye QI , Director of Institute for Public Policy shared his insights about the plastic waste issue in China in an interview about how to tackle the world’s plastic waste, saying China is doing the right thing to ban garbage import from other countries.
AliJazeera Inside Story
What should be done to tackle the world's plastic waste?
AliJazeera Inside Story
What should be done to tackle the world's plastic waste?

- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation & Technology
Let's get going on road to cleaner air
Editorial by Prof. Alexis LAU, Associate Director of Institute for the Environment at The Standard
The Standard
Let's get going on road to cleaner air
The Standard
Let's get going on road to cleaner air