- Business & Economy
- Public Policy
【預算案】有學者支持政府發基建債「撲水」 智庫憂陷「糖衣陷阱」
In a TV news story on the fiscal deficits of the HK government, Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), said that debt financing may be the best short-term solution. Currently, debts account for around 4% of the city's GDP, which is lower compared to the average ratio of 50-60% observed in most developed economies.
- Environment & Sustainability
- Business & Economy
Sustainability: Hong Kong university and green finance agency backed by regulators launch emissions calculation tools
HKUST and the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group have launched two new greenhouse gas emissions calculation and estimation tools to help HK firms and financial institutions with their sustainability reporting. Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) said HKUST has given special consideration to the needs of SMEs while designing these tools, which are practical, easy to use, and can adapt to users' specific data and operating regions. Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), said these simple and easy-to-use tools mark HK's first step in helping SMEs estimate their carbon footprint regularly.
證監會梁鳳儀: 聯交所就制訂氣候相關資訊披露要求屆最後階段
梁鳳儀:推碳排計算及估算工具 望解決披露困難及數據缺口
GHG emissions tools launched in HK
證監會梁鳳儀: 聯交所就制訂氣候相關資訊披露要求屆最後階段
梁鳳儀:推碳排計算及估算工具 望解決披露困難及數據缺口
GHG emissions tools launched in HK
- Innovation & Technology
港應轉採「產出思維」 創新方式谷創科
In a column article by Prof. Yan XU, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) , he commented on why HK should adopt “output thinking” to boost I&T development.
- Innovation & Technology
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he elaborated on the use of AI to unleash infinite possibilities.
- Innovation & Technology
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
The team of researchers led by Prof. XUE Ying, Research Assistant Professor, and Prof. LAU Kei-May, Research Professor from the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), have developed a new integration technique for efficient integration of III-V compound semiconductor devices and silicon, paving the way for photonic integration at low cost, large volume, and high speed and throughput that could revolutionize data communications.
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
Phys Org
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
HKUST researchers develop new integration technique for efficient coupling of III-V and silicon
- Public Policy
- Social Changes and Health
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
In a commentary on China’s chronic zero COVID trauma by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), he commented that the adverse impacts on business and consumer sentiment, which were underestimated by analysts, have become apparent over a year after China abandoned its zero-COVID policy. The initial optimism following China's reopening in early 2023 has been replaced by deflation and a prevailing sense of pessimism, leading to a crisis of confidence in China's economic prospects.
The Diplomat
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
The Diplomat
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
- Public Policy
Donald Low:Hong Kong needs to rethink its super-connector strategy (part 2)
The second part of an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), is about why HK needs to rethink its super-connector strategy. He suggested that HK government should seize the opportunity presented by the current economic malaise to engage in a far-reaching exercise on how the HK economy should be adapted or even reinvented for the future.
大紀元時報 香港
前高官指港府財政陷困局 料「拖字訣」發債應對
大紀元時報 香港
前高官指港府財政陷困局 料「拖字訣」發債應對
- Public Policy
A long-complacent Hong Kong must ditch outdated formulas to move forward
In an article by former Convenor of ExCo Non-official Members Bernard CHAN discussing the importance of HK’s progression with new formulas, it highlights the launch of the Policy Dialogue Series in 2018, which was initiated by the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and EdUHK, that aims to address HK’s complex issues and public policy challenges.
- Environment & Sustainability
Ecological Environment Protection in GBA
Prof. Alexis LAU, Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his insights on ecological environment protection in GBA on
- Public Policy
Balancing Economic Development and Ecological Conservation in Greater Bay Area
Prof. QI Ye, Director of Institute for Public Policy (IPP) joined the 3rd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road China (GD) International Communication Forum and expressed his view on Greater Bay Area's economic development on
- Public Policy
International conference to seek policies to maximize GBA opportunities
Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) delivered a keynote speech in the International Conference of Social Policy and Governance Innovation and shared some of the main demographic challenges faced by GBA.
- Environment & Sustainability
Can PH, rest of world shift to 100% renewable energy?
Prof. Laurence DELINA, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability was interviewed by ABS-CBN News. He shared how he moved from civil engineering to sustainability science and his views on how his country - the Philippines, should develop a decentralized sustainable and renewable energy system.
- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation & Technology
Bringing New Hope to Improvement of Hazy Air Pollution
A research team led by Prof. YU Jianzhen, Professor at Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) and Department of Chemistry, unveiled a first-in-kind study of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and its role in the rise and fall of airborne sulfates in hazy air pollution, offering policymakers new insights into ways to tackle smoggy weather.
科大揭氮氧化物與大氣中硫酸鹽關係 盼可改善霧霾問題
科大揭氮氧化物硫酸鹽定量關係 助改善霧霾
Mirage News
Untangling Links between Nitrogen Oxides and Airborne Sulfates Helps Tackle Hazy Air Pollution
Untangling links between nitrogen oxides and airborne sulfates helps tackle hazy air pollution
Science Daily
Untangling links between nitrogen oxides and airborne sulfates helps tackle hazy air pollution
Green Car Congress
Researchers clarify links between NOx and airborne sulfates to tackle hazy air pollution
Digital Journal
New insight into how science can tackle smoggy weather
科大揭氮氧化物與大氣中硫酸鹽關係 盼可改善霧霾問題
科大揭氮氧化物硫酸鹽定量關係 助改善霧霾
Mirage News
Untangling Links between Nitrogen Oxides and Airborne Sulfates Helps Tackle Hazy Air Pollution
Untangling links between nitrogen oxides and airborne sulfates helps tackle hazy air pollution
Science Daily
Untangling links between nitrogen oxides and airborne sulfates helps tackle hazy air pollution
Green Car Congress
Researchers clarify links between NOx and airborne sulfates to tackle hazy air pollution
Digital Journal
New insight into how science can tackle smoggy weather
- Environment & Sustainability
Hong Kong’s ‘revolution of our times’ should focus on climate change
Prof. Christine LOH,Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), shared her insights in an article on green bonds. She believes that the HK government should explore more green investment options such as blue bonds, thus making HK a hub for green capital.
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong’s ‘revolution of our times’ should focus on climate change
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong’s ‘revolution of our times’ should focus on climate change
- Innovation & Technology
Making API Public Could Boost Business Development
Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, Co-Director of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management shared his insights on how making API public could boost business development. Full version news is only available for HKEJ subscribers.
- Social Changes and Health
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his thought about quarantine in controlling the spread of the Coronavirus in various media.
The Washington Times
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
The Washington Times
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
- Social Changes and Health
Why we might have to accept that this new coronavirus could be here to stay
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice, Division of Public Policy (PPOL) shared his thoughts that the governments to start planning for mitigation and to prepare their populations for the novel coronavirus.