Business & Economy
Environment & Sustainability
Innovation & Technology
Public Policy
Social Changes and Health
Student Bonding & Development
World Relations
Photo Credit: Times Higher Education
  • Environment & Sustainability
Eliminating silos in higher education to tackle climate change
During the 2024 THE Global Sustainable Development Congress in Bangkok, Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) and Prof. Fei CHEN, Associate Head and Professor of ENVR led the panel discussion about the development of early warning systems for extreme weather.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
‘Feels like a bun steamer': Hong Kong's poorer residents most affected by heatwave
In an article on how Hong Kong's poorer residents suffer from the ongoing extreme heat this summer, the scientific study co-written by Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) was mentioned. The study shown that the number of hot nights in the city, where the daily minimum temperature is higher than or equal to 28 degrees Celsius, will increase by 50% to about 48 days a year by the 2040s.
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  • Innovation & Technology
Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), expressed his thoughts on the new era where mankind and AI work together as a team.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
In a column article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he commented on "Giving AI a face and a personality"
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Public Policy
‘Renewable’ world in the making
Hong Kong is implementing measures to create a circular economy, including the use of designated waste disposal bags to reduce garbage generation. Prof. Yatang LIN, Assistant Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), was quoted as saying that the government's decision to charge the public for waste disposal is a necessary and positive step in addressing waste management challenges.
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  • Innovation & Technology
Academicians including Prof. Kei May LAU, Research Professor of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), will attend the 2024 JFS Conference and China International Compound Semiconductor Industry Expo on April 8-11.
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  • Business & Economy
  • Public Policy
【預算案】有學者支持政府發基建債「撲水」 智庫憂陷「糖衣陷阱」
In a TV news story on the fiscal deficits of the HK government, Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), said that debt financing may be the best short-term solution. Currently, debts account for around 4% of the city's GDP, which is lower compared to the average ratio of 50-60% observed in most developed economies.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Business & Economy
Sustainability: Hong Kong university and green finance agency backed by regulators launch emissions calculation tools
HKUST and the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group have launched two new greenhouse gas emissions calculation and estimation tools to help HK firms and financial institutions with their sustainability reporting. Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) said HKUST has given special consideration to the needs of SMEs while designing these tools, which are practical, easy to use, and can adapt to users' specific data and operating regions. Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), said these simple and easy-to-use tools mark HK's first step in helping SMEs estimate their carbon footprint regularly.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
港應轉採「產出思維」 創新方式谷創科
In a column article by Prof. Yan XU, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) , he commented on why HK should adopt “output thinking” to boost I&T development.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he elaborated on the use of AI to unleash infinite possibilities.
Photo Credit: The Standard
  • Environment & Sustainability
Let's make start toward cleaner society
Article by Prof. Kira MATUS , Associate Head of Division of Public Policy at The Standard
Photo Credit: SCMP
  • Public Policy
If Hong Kong protesters have a dream, they need their own Martin Luther King to realise it
Article by Prof. Michael EDESESS, Adjunct Associate Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability at South China Morning Post
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  • Student Bonding & Development
To learn science without boundaries
Prof. King CHOW, Director of IPO, along with CUHK School of Education Dr. Victor LAU, two secondary school teachers and three high school winners of the International Biology Olympiad who were trained by them, shared how important it is to stimulate youngsters’ interest in science and learning, instead of just merely training their skills for the purpose of obtaining good grades.
Photo Credit: geralt
  • Environment & Sustainability
HK set for worst of it amid climate change
Article by Prof. IM Eun Soon, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Division of Environment and Sustainability, at The Standard
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
PRIASE-HK a mobile app launched by Institute for the Environment (IENV)
Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Director of Institute for the Environment (IENV) and Prof. NING Zhi, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) introduced the mobile app PRAISE-HK launched by IENV, which provides real-time and projected information on air quality and health risk down to street level in a TV program on HK’s air pollution and regulations.
Photo Credit: SCMP
  • Public Policy
The Hong Kong protests are a political crisis – and a huge opportunity for the government
Article by Prof. Donald LOW, Director of Leadership and Public Policy Executive Education (LAPP) on the recent anti-extradition bill protests, which he described as a chance for the HKSAR government to embark on far-reaching socioeconomic policy and institutional reforms.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Environment & Sustainability
Volkswagen Appoints Professor Ye QI to Sustainability Advisory Council
Prof. Ye QI, Director of Institute for Public Policy (IPP) was appointed as a member of Volkswagen Group’s Independent Sustainability Advisory Council to advise the group on strategic sustainability and social responsibility issues.
Photo Credit: David McBee
  • Public Policy
Asia’s Richest Families are Riding High
Prof. Donald LOW, Director of Leadership and Public Policy Executive Education (LAPP) shared his insights on wealth tax, saying Asia lacks discussions on whether governments should tax the rich more.
Photo Credit: geralt
  • Innovation & Technology
  • Student Bonding & Development
Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot are helping us
Sunny Wong, alumni of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management (T&M-DDP) was interviewed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) about his Chatbot startup. Full version news is only available for HKEJ subscribers.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Innovation & Technology
Sea Gas Monitoring Technique Should Be Encouraged
Prof. Jianping GAN, Chair Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his insights at a conference on sea gas, saying Hong Kong and Zhuhai’s collaboration on sea gas monitoring technique should be encouraged.