Business & Economy
Environment & Sustainability
Innovation & Technology
Public Policy
Social Changes and Health
Student Bonding & Development
World Relations
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  • Environment & Sustainability
Arup launches ‘Race to Transition’ Asia event series in Hong Kong to accelerate collective climate action
At the pre-COP28 “Race to Transition” event series kicked off by Arup, Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), joined the panel session of the forum with other industry leaders to share their insights on driving climate action across Asia and scaling up corporate sustainability efforts.
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  • Innovation & Technology
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he discussed the use of AI system Bard for trip planning, highlighting its benefits and limitations.
信報 - 財經版
信報 - 財經版
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Innovation & Technology
【生成式AI×教育擁抱篇】港科大善用ChatGPT 學生學習快兩倍
A feature interview with Provost Prof. GUO Yike and Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), on how Generative AI could facilitate students' knowledge acquisition, improve their critical thinking, enhance their ability to ask questions, as well as how HKUST embraces this technology.

Meanwhile, Nicholas YEUNG, a Year 5 student of Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP), said that GenAI could save time in data searching and improve work efficiency, as long as one approaches it with a cautious attitude and possesses the relevant skills and techniques.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Public Policy
生育率低 生活困難才是癥結
In an article discussing if the measures announced in Policy Address could boost the birth rate, Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), explained why Hong Kong has a low birth rate and the underlying issues behind the decline in birth rates, and how governments could address them.
Photo Credit: Pexels
  • Business & Economy
China needs a market support fund -- to rescue property developers
In an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), he elaborated on the serious threats facing Chinese economy and why Beijing has no reason to rule out the partial nationalization of embattled property developers.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
善用AI減情緒陰霾 助創業者解困
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he discussed how AI can help start-up entrepreneurs mitigate emotional stress
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
In an article by Prof. Erwin HUANG, Adjunct Professor of the Division of Integrative System and Design (ISD), he compared Bard and ChatGPT, two popular AI models. Bard excels in searching real-time information and generating code, while ChatGPT is better at creative writing and summarizing articles. The choice depends on specific user needs.
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  • World Relations
Keen to improve China ties, Turkey predicts 2 million tourists by 2030
In an article on Turkey expects a significant rise in Chinese tourists, driven by young history and photography enthusiasts, as they seek closer economic ties with Beijing, Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), was quoted as saying that the appetite for outbound tourism might be dampened at this point, but it makes sense in the long term.
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  • Innovation & Technology
Prof. Pan HUI, Chair Professor of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA) shared a research report titled "Metaverse: hyper-reality, creating the future" at the International Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC) 2023 and gave a speech at the main forum of the 2023 World Conference on VR Industry.
  • Innovation & Technology
  • Social Changes and Health
Antimicrobial Coating Ready to Enter Filipino Market
The antimicrobial coating Germagic developed by a research team led by ENVR Prof. YEUNG King-Lun and ENVR Adjunct Prof. Joseph KWAN, is ready to introduce its technology to the Philippines.
  • Environment & Sustainability
HKUST to Launch Hong Kong’s Largest Solar Energy Project
HKUST launches HK’s largest solar power system which involves the installation of up to 8,000 solar panels at over 50 locations on campus. The system will generate 3 million units (kWh) of electricity and help reduce 1.5 million kg of carbon emission each year, bringing an income of around HK$160 million out of CLP's FiT scheme over the next 13 years.
Photo Credit: Kaique Rocha
  • Business & Economy
Do We Still Work From Home Under Typhoon Signal No.8?
Prof. Kai Lung HUI, Co-Director of Dual Degree Program, wrote an article discussing whether employees should work from home when the typhoon no. 8 signal is hoisted. Under the pandemic, home office became a new normal for many people. Therefore, relevant government departments, employers and employees, as well as the general public, must come together and discuss so as to reach a common consensus.
  • Innovation & Technology
  • Student Bonding & Development
ESPM Alumnus Donald LAI Fighting COVID-19 by Developing Antimicrobial Coating
Mr. Donald LAI, an alumnus of MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM), shared his journey of becoming a local scientist in Hong Kong at Hong Kong Economic Journal. (Subscription Required)
// 香港地缺乏科研人才……真是香港出世、長大,再由本地學校培育出來的科學家,鳳毛麟角。
「普遍香港學生為了考高分而讀書,死記爛背,補習狂操past paper,導致培養不到對未來的啟發,間接對本地科研造成障礙。」100%土炮黎裕德(Donald)不僅是少數的例外,現在也為對抗新冠肺炎而出心出力。新冠肺炎第三波肆虐香江,人人自恐,各公司都想盡辦法潔淨工作環境,務求讓打工仔做得安心,故此身為科學家的黎裕德,連月來要四出奔波,有時留在實驗室的時間比留在辦公室的時間更少……他在碩士畢業後成為捷和實業的項目工程師,並在公司支援下留在母校香港科技大學的實驗室,延續科研夢,其有份參與的智能抗菌塗層技術Germagic更在疫境下炙手可熱。// (節錄)
Photo Credit: Pixels
  • Environment & Sustainability
Extended LegCo term must tackle Municipal Solid Waste bill
Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR) wrote an article on the proposed municipal solid waste bill, which she thinks the bill should be tackled by the LegCo without further delay.
Photo Credit: Gerd Altmann
  • Business & Economy
US Dollar's Advantage Became Important in China Sanctions Fight
Prof. Edwin LAI of Division of Public Policy, said in an article on the sanctions battle between China and US that China is disadvantaged in the sanctions game because its payment system is underdeveloped and RMB’s full internationalization is decades away.
Photo Credit: Jason Goh
  • Public Policy
The Changing Face of Singapore Democracy
Prof. Donald LOW, Senior Lecturer of Division of Public Policy (PPOL), commented on the change of the complexion of Singapore’s PAP-dominated democratic politics since the opposition party making historic gains in the election, saying it is a step towards establishing the norms of a fairer, more contestable political system in the country.
Photo Credit: Juraj Varga
  • Public Policy
The Importance of Managing Public Health Crises
Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR) commented in an article on US’s pandemic situation, saying US government’s anti-pandemic measures are seriously lagging behind those rolled out by Asian counterparts.
Photo Credit: Alexander Nauman
  • Business & Economy
Why the Market Is Booming and the Economy Is Struggling
In an article on the rise of US stocks despite its struggling economy, Prof. Michael EDESESS, Adjunct Associate Professor of the Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR) said it was due to the return of profits of a few enormous and prosperous listed firms, of which many kept wages low by using gig workers, which eventually would hurt economic growth.
Photo Credit: Peggy and Marco
  • Business & Economy
The US needs to better understand China’s culture and politics, for the sake of peace
Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR) wrote an article on why it is important for US to understand and not dismiss China’s differences amid the rise of Asia.