- Public Policy
Covid-19 and Climate Change Have a lot More in Common Than You Think
Prof. WU Xun , Head of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) & Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of PPOL discussed the difference between people’s response to Covid-19 and climate change.
- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation & Technology
A breath of fresh air: Pollution in China drops
Prof. HE Guojun, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared that his research results about the air pollution in Mainland China and the government’s coal subsidizing scheme.
The Asean Post
A breath of fresh air: Pollution in China drops
The Asean Post
A breath of fresh air: Pollution in China drops
- Environment & Sustainability
Deadly heat wave may hit South Asian countries this century
Prof. Eun Soon IM, Assistant Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared her study which found that deadly heat wave may hit Bangladesh, India and Pakistan by the end of the century.
The Independent
Deadly heat wave may hit South Asian countries this century
The Independent
Deadly heat wave may hit South Asian countries this century
- Public Policy
Disease control centers integrates into public policy
Prof. Ye QI , Director of Institute for Public Policy (IPP) and his team recently published a research paper which advocates the integration of disease control centers into the government policy making process.
- World Relations
Coronavirus cooperation shows how the world is getting better at hunting down disease
Prof. Christine LOH,Chief Development Strategist of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), wrote an article on the global collaboration in tackling the new coronavirus crisis on SCMP.
- Social Changes and Health
DIY virus protection: Hong Kongers making own masks amid shortages
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his thought about the importance of wearing masks in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus in various media.
The Manila Times
DIY virus protection: Hong Kongers making own masks amid shortages
The Manila Times
DIY virus protection: Hong Kongers making own masks amid shortages
- Social Changes and Health
Sinophobia: How a virus reveals the many ways China is feared
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice of Division of Public Policy (PPOL) & Prof. Barry SAUTMAN, Visiting Professor of Division of Social Science (SOSC) commented on the growing discrimination against Chinese nationals amid the Covid19 outbreak.
- Social Changes and Health
Face masks vs coronavirus: How effective are they?
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), compared the use and function of N95 respirators to surgical masks in an article on
Face masks vs coronavirus: How effective are they?
Face masks vs coronavirus: How effective are they?
- Social Changes and Health
Why we might have to accept that this new coronavirus could be here to stay
Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice, Division of Public Policy (PPOL) shared his thoughts that the governments to start planning for mitigation and to prepare their populations for the novel coronavirus.
- Social Changes and Health
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
Prof. Joseph KWAN, Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR) shared his thought about quarantine in controlling the spread of the Coronavirus in various media.
The Washington Times
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
The Washington Times
Social controls, SARS experience help China close off cities
- Environment & Sustainability
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come
In an article by Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), she commented on how HK can attract more visitors by promoting the city’s phenomenal natural environment, culture, and heritage.
China Daily - HK
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come
China Daily - HK
Build it right for locals, and visitors will come
- Environment & Sustainability
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
In the "indoor air quality forum" organized by the Clean Air Network (CAN), Prof. Zhi NING, Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies) of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) and Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), introduced "Clean Air Schools for HK" project, which was carried out in collaboration with CAN. The project collected data on air quality in HK schools from August 2022 to July 2023. Prof. NING stated that these data enabled more efficient analysis to support research on indoor environments and laid a solid foundation for future education and public awareness efforts. Prof. Alexis LAU, Head and Chair Professor of the Division of Environment and Sustainability (ENVR), also attended the forum.
Line Today
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇 」 倡議改善室內環境以促進港人身心健康
Yellow Bus
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇」 倡議改善室內環境促進港人身心健康
健康空氣行動舉辦「室內空氣質素論壇 」 倡議改善室內環境以促進港人身心健康
Yellow Bus
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
Line Today
本港部分小學室內空氣污染嚴重 增傳染病風險及影響認知能力
- Innovation & Technology
HKUST Prof. Kei May LAU Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering
Prof. Kei May LAU, Research Professor of the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas (EMIA), has been elected as a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), one of the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. NAE acknowledges her election to the organization for her significant contributions to photonics and electronics based on III-V semiconductors on silicon. Among a total of 114 new members and 21 international members, Prof. LAU is the sole HK scholar newly elected to the NAE this year. P Prof. Nancy IP extended warm congratulations to Prof. LAU on her election to the NAE, adding that this recognition is a testament to her outstanding contributions and exceptional dedication to research and innovation.
The National Tribune
HKUST Prof. LAU Kei May Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering
徹底改革LED技術 科大榮休教授膺美國工程院士
Line Today
The National Tribune
HKUST Prof. LAU Kei May Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering
徹底改革LED技術 科大榮休教授膺美國工程院士
Line Today
- Public Policy
Donald Low:Hong Kong needs to rethink its super-connector strategy (part 1)
In an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), he commented on why HK needs to rethink its basic strategy of being the super-connector of China to maintain the city’s relevance in a global economy.
- Public Policy
A long-complacent Hong Kong must ditch outdated formulas to move forward
In an article by former Convenor of ExCo Non-official Members Bernard CHAN discussing the importance of HK’s progression with new formulas, it highlights the launch of the Policy Dialogue Series in 2018, which was initiated by the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) and EdUHK, that aims to address HK’s complex issues and public policy challenges.
- Public Policy
The Backlash to ‘Messi's Mess' in Hong Kong—and How It Could Backfire on the City
In an article on the backlash of Lionel Messi's absence at an exhibition match in HK, Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), was quoted as saying that the strong knee-jerk reaction of the HK government may be somewhat satisfying in the short term, but it is very myopic and is likely to do more long-term harm to HK's attractiveness.
- Public Policy
- Social Changes and Health
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
In a commentary on China’s chronic zero COVID trauma by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), he commented that the adverse impacts on business and consumer sentiment, which were underestimated by analysts, have become apparent over a year after China abandoned its zero-COVID policy. The initial optimism following China's reopening in early 2023 has been replaced by deflation and a prevailing sense of pessimism, leading to a crisis of confidence in China's economic prospects.
The Diplomat
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
The Diplomat
China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
- Public Policy
Donald Low:Hong Kong needs to rethink its super-connector strategy (part 2)
The second part of an article by Prof. Donald LOW, Professor of Practice in Public Policy of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), is about why HK needs to rethink its super-connector strategy. He suggested that HK government should seize the opportunity presented by the current economic malaise to engage in a far-reaching exercise on how the HK economy should be adapted or even reinvented for the future.
大紀元時報 香港
前高官指港府財政陷困局 料「拖字訣」發債應對
大紀元時報 香港
前高官指港府財政陷困局 料「拖字訣」發債應對
- Innovation & Technology
港應轉採「產出思維」 創新方式谷創科
In a column article by Prof. Yan XU, Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) , he commented on why HK should adopt “output thinking” to boost I&T development.