Business & Economy
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World Relations
  • Innovation & Technology
The Lumos Helmet - TIME's BEST Inventions 2018
The smart bicycle helmet Lumos, co-created by Jeff CHEN, alumnus of Dual Degree Program of Technology & Management, and Mr Eu-wen DING, was selected as one of the Best Inventions of 2018 by TIME magazine.
Photo Credit: HK01
  • Student Bonding & Development
Space-Out Helps You!
CHAN Kai Ho, Hercules, a year 4 RMBI student of has won the Champion of International Space-Out Competition in Taipei.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
  • Innovation & Technology
Prof. Huamin QU, Dean of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), was interviewed in a video as a Weiqi enthusiast to share his appreciation for Weiqi and its impact and inspiration on him. He also shared his insights on AI’s impact on traditional Weiqi.
Photo Credit: Capital
  • Student Bonding & Development
香港科技大學跨學科學院 學習無界限 全面培育創新人才
In a feature article by Capital magazine with AIS Dean Prof. QU Huamin, he mentioned that HKUST has established HK's first Division of Art and Machine Creativity, discussing the rising importance of interdisciplinary education at HKUST, and emphasizing its role in preparing students for complex societal challenges. He introduced HKUST's initiatives that aim to uphold HK's position as an innovation hub by cultivating interdisciplinary talents. By collaborating with industry experts, HKUST provides practical training and aims to make significant societal impacts through interdisciplinary research and learning.