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Meet Our Faculty: Prof. Lilly LI

Meet Our Faculty - Prof. Lilly Li, who recently joined the Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD). With a unique background spanning fashion design and functional fiber research, Prof. LI brings a fresh perspective to the intersection of textiles, innovation and design.


Let’s explore Prof. LI's vision for pushing the boundaries of textile innovation, and her passion for fostering creativity and collaboration across disciplines!


Could you tell us more about you?
Before joining HKUST, I was a professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Fashion and Textiles, where I specialized in functional fiber research. My work focused on using a human-centric design thinking strategy to develop innovative textile technologies that meet specific market needs or address technological challenges. Before diving into academia, I actually started my career as a fashion designer in industry, which gave me a unique perspective on the application of textiles.


I'm thrilled to be part of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design at HKUST. This position allows me to further my passion for creative, scientific, and cultural research through the lens of creative economy, design thinking, and interdisciplinary design.


Currently, I'm working on projects that combine these elements to push the boundaries of innovation in textiles. In the coming Spring term, I'll teach courses that integrate these principles, aiming to inspire students to think creatively and collaboratively across disciplines. I look forward to an exciting journey at HKUST.

What inspired you to specialize in this line of research?
Textile isn't just a mere piece of cloth; it's a gateway to endless possibilities. Researchers have the unique opportunity to unlock its potential and apply it in fields far beyond fashion. There are vast unexplored areas and innovative applications for fibers and textiles. By leveraging creativity and a multi-disciplinary design thinking approach, we can discover functions and uses that are truly groundbreaking. This immense potential to innovate and transform various industries is what inspired me to specialize in this fascinating research area. The idea of pushing boundaries and exploring uncharted territories keeps me motivated every day.

What impact do you want your work to have on society?
As both a researcher and a designer, my goal is to unlock innovative ideas and new perspectives through multi-disciplinary collaborations, creativity, and empathy. I hope to inspire students to think outside the box, fostering an environment where creativity leads to real-world solutions. By encouraging this mindset, I want my work to contribute to a future where interdisciplinary approaches solve complex problems, improve lives, and drive sustainable development. 

Do you have any advice for students interested in your research area?  
My advice to students is to remain constantly inquisitive, always seeking innovation and challenging established norms. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and curiosity. Think from others' perspectives and approach problems with empathy and creativity. This approach will help you uncover new possibilities and drive meaningful advancements in the field. Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore uncharted territories. Collaborate across disciplines and be open to diverse ideas. By doing so, you will not only advance your knowledge but also contribute to transformative innovations that can positively impact society.


Could you share a fun fact about you?
Alongside my two wonderful daughters, we share our home with four playful cats and three adorable turtles.