The Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) of HKUST is pleased to announce the establishment of Division of Arts and Machine Creativity (AMC) and the appointment of Professor Hongbo FU as the Acting Head of AMC, effective from 1 July 2024.
As the 5th Division within AIS, AMC envisioned to be a cross-disciplinary academic unit where technology, art and humanities converge to fuel creativity and innovation --- a key priority outlined in HKUST Strategic Plan 2031. With the aim of fostering innovative and impactful environment, talents, and works that shape the future world, AMC’s focus areas include: (1) Machine creativity, (2) Machine-assisted art practice (visual, sound, performing, installation, and cinematic arts), (3) Art management (managerial, legal, and business topics related to AI arts, NFT, etc.), and (4) Critical studies on arts and machine creativity.
To cultivate artistic and creative talents skilled in emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning, the new Division will launch research postgraduate programs*, namely the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), focusing on advanced research and scholarly exploration in the field of arts and machine creativity; and taught postgraduate programs*, namely the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA), equipping aspiring innovators, artists and scholars with cutting-edge technologies and creative insight backed with rigorous research that pushes the boundaries of art-tech convergence.
*Subject to the Senate’s approval