Prof. Masaru YARIME, Associate Professor of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), has been recognized as a Highly Ranked Scholar – Lifetime by ScholarGPS 2024.
Prof. Yarime's research focuses on science, technology, and innovation policy related to energy, environment, and sustainability. Over the past few years, he has engaged in interdisciplinary research and educational activities aimed at understanding the complex interface between engineering and social sciences, as well as the dynamic interactions between technology and institutions in fostering sustainable innovation.
This accolade honors Prof. Yarime’s exceptional research and significant achievements in public policy and sustainability, placing him in the top 0.05% of scholars worldwide. He has been ranked 64th in the specialty of sustainability.
Enabled by the generation of over 30 million detailed scholar profiles based on unique ScholarGPS™ classification of over 200 million scholarly publications of record into one of over 350,000 distinct Specialties, 177 Disciplines, and 14 Fields, Highly Ranked Scholars™ are, for the first time, identified within each Specialty, Discipline, Field, and all Fields. Highly Ranked Scholars™ are those with ScholarGPS™ Ranks of 0.05% or better. The data used to identify the ScholarGPS™ Highly Ranked Scholars™ are based on lifetime or prior five-year activity, weighting each publication and citation by the number of authors, and excluding self-citations.
Click here to view the list of Highly Ranked Scholars in Sustainability by ScholarGPS 2024: