Here comes the 3rd AIS Research Digest summarizing the latest publications and research papers by the faculty members of the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS).
In this issue, we share the findings of cutting-edge research topics in environment, sustainability, public policy, integrative systems and design, published from May to Sept 2024.
Let’s explore our interdisciplinary research (click the titles to view the articles):
Division of Environment & Sustainability (ENVR)
- Di Chang, Qinyi Li, Zhe Wang, Jianing Dai, Xiao Fu, Jia Guo, Lei Zhu, Dongchuan Pu, Carlos A Cuevas, Rafael P Fernandez, Weigang Wang, Maofa Ge, Jimmy C H Fung, Alexis K H Lau, Claire Granier, Guy Brasseur, Andrea Pozzer, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Yu Song, Tao Wang (2024). Significant chlorine emissions from biomass burning affect the long-term atmospheric chemistry in Asia. National Science Review.

- Laurence L. Delina, Nicolo Paolo P. Ludovice, Akihisa Mori, Timothy Joseph G. Henares (2024). From currents to controversies: Unveiling performances of and perceptions in China’s investments in the Philippine grid. Energy Strategy Reviews.
- Felice Janice Olivia Boedijanto, Laurence L. Delina (2024). Potentials and challenges of artificial intelligence-supported greenwashing detection in the energy sector. Energy Research & Social Science.
- Homer Pagkalinawan, Laurence L Delina, Sharon Feliza Ann Macagba (2024). Gridded dataset on land surface temperature and selected environmental and economic features in Southeast Asian metropolises. Data in Brief.
- Xiaoming Shi, Yang Liu, Jianan Chen, Haoming Chen, Yueya Wang, Zhongming Lu, Ruo-Qian Wang, Jimmy C.H. Fung, Charles W. W. Ng (2024). Escalating Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Extremes and Landslide Hazards in South China under Global Warming. Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
- Yuanyuan Huang, Daehyun Kim, Tian Zhou, Xiaoming Shi (2024). The Role of Cloud-Radiative Interaction in Tropical Circulation and the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Journal of Climate.
- Haoming Chen, Xiaoming Shi, Xiuwen Nie, Yueya Wang, Christy Yan Yu Leung, Ping Cheung, Pak Wai Chan (2024). Tropical Aviation Turbulence Induced by the Interaction Between a Jet Stream and Deep Convection. JGR Atmospheres.
- Peixiu Chen, Benjamin Steuer (2024). A first assessment of Hong Kong’s circular economy for wastepaper: Material flows, value chains and the role of the semi-formal informal recycling sector. Journal of Cleaner Production
- Xinyu Hao, Liang Dong, Xuepeng Qian, Steuer Benjamin, Hongzhou Wang, Peixiu Chen, Xiaofei Wang, Wenting Ma, Jiaying Li, Xin Tong, Xiaoling Zhang (2024). Characterizing the polycentricity in waste governance: a comparative study on Shanghai, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Npj Urban Sustainability.
- Benjamin Steuer (2024). Hong Kong's circular economy on plastics: are the economics failing?. Detritus.
- Yanjing Zhang, Rongrong Han, Xiaomin Sun, Chongwen Sun, Stephen M. Griffith, Guanru Wu, Lei Li, Wenshuai Li, Yunhui Zhao, Mei Li, Zhen Zhou, Wencai Wang, Lifang Sheng, Jian Zhen Yu, Yang Zhou (2024). Sulfate formation driven by wintertime fog processing and a hydroxymethanesulfonate complex with iron: observations from single-particle measurements in Hong Kong. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
- Yee Ka Wong, Wai Wai Chan, Dasa Gu, Jian Zhen Yu, Alexis K. H. Lau (2024). Tracking Source Variations of Inhalation Cancer Risks and Ozone Formation Potential in Hong Kong over Two Decades (2000–2020) Using Toxic Air Pollutant Monitoring Data. Environment & Health.
- Shan Wang, Kezheng Liao, Zijing Zhang, Yuk Ying Cheng, Qiongqiong Wang, Hanzhe Chen, and Jian Zhen Yu (2024). Bayesian inference-based estimation of hourly primary and secondary organic carbon in suburban Hong Kong: multi-temporal-scale variations and evolution characteristics during PM2.5 episodes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
- Naveed Ahmad, Changqing Lin, Alexis K. H. Lau, Jhoon Kim, Tianshu Zhang, Fangqun Yu, Chengcai Li, Ying Li, Jimmy C. H. Fung, and Xiang Qian Lao (2024). Estimation of ground-level NO2 and its spatiotemporal variations in China using GEMS measurements and a nested machine learning model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
- Haolin Liu, Jimmy C. H. Fung, Alexis K. H. Lau, Zhenning Li (2024). Enhancing Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of NWP Model With Fundamental Meteorological Variables and Transformer Based Deep Learning Model. Earth and Space Science
- Qun Wang, Yiang Chen, Xingcheng Lu, Guangzhao Chen, Zhenning Li, Meng Cai, Chao Ren, Jimmy C.H. Fung (2024). Urbanization impact on meteorological condition and O3 concentration under past and future climates scenarios over the Greater Bay Area in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment
- W. Zhang, J. C. H. Fung, M. M. F. Wong (2024). An Improved Non‐Local Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization Scheme in Weather Forecasting and Research Model Based on a 1.5‐Order Turbulence Closure Model. JGR Atmospheres
- Lu Li, Yingdong He, Wenhua Chen, Yunzhu Ji, Jimmy C.H. Fung, Alexis K.H. Lau (2024). An integrated experimental and CFD analysis of ceiling-fan-integrated air conditioning system: Indoor air quality and air velocity. Building and Environment.
- J. Y. He, P. W. Chan, Z. F. Liu, J. C. H. Fung, Q. S. Li (2024). Observation of wind and thermodynamic structure within an urban boundary layer. Physics of Fluids.
- Yiang Chen, Xingcheng Lu, and Jimmy C. H. Fung (2024). Spatiotemporal source apportionment of ozone pollution over the Greater Bay Area. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Division of Public Policy (PPOL)
- Ginbert Permejo Cuaton, Yvonne Su, Pamela Katic, Masaru Yarime (2024). Unpacking water governance dynamics and its implications for household water security in post-disaster resettlement communities in the Philippines. Geoforum.
- Kevin Macarius Florentin, Motoharu Onuki, Masaru Yarime (2024). Facilitating citizen participation in greenfield smart city development: The case of a human-centered approach in Kashiwanoha international campus town. Telematics and Informatics Reports.
- Gregory Trencher, Masaru Yarime, Jeongsoo Yu (2024). Using emerging technologies to tackle mobility challenges caused by population ageing: Experiences from Japan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Alex Jingwei He, Jiwei Qian, and Ling Zhu (2024). Policy design and policy feedback in welfare retrenchment: a survey experiment in China. Policy Studies Journal.
- Lejano, R. P., & Stokols, D. (2024). Social ecological systems in flux. Annual Review of Sociology.
- Lejano, R. P., & Kan, W. S. (2024). IPCC and the City: The need to transition from ideology to climate justice. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
- Lejano, R. P. and W. S. Kan (2024). The relational dimensions of collective action. Planning Theory & Practice.
- Wu, Sherry Jueyu, Ke Michael Mai, Ming Zhuang, and Fangxin Yi (2024). A large-scale field experiment on participatory decision-making in China. Nature Human Behaviour.
- de Troullioud de Lanversin J., Fichtlscherer C. (2024), Real-time verification of very low-yield tests with prompt gamma spectrometry, 65th Annual Meeting of the INMM, Portland, USA, 2024*
Division of Integrative Systems & Design (ISD)
- Yangyi Huang, Haosong Zhong, Rongliang Yang, Yexin Pan, Jing Lin, Connie Kong Wai Lee, Siyu Chen, Min Tan, Xupeng Lu, Wing Yan Poon, Qiaoyaxiao Yuan, Mitch Guijun Li (2024). Multifunctional laser-induced graphene circuits and laser-printed nanomaterials toward non-invasive human kidney function monitoring. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.

- Stein van Veggel, Michaël Wiertlewski, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Adrie Kooijman, Ebrahim Shahabi, Barbara Mazzolai, Rob B. N. Scharff (2024). Classification and Evaluation of Octopus‐Inspired Suction Cups for Soft Continuum Robots. Advanced Science.
- Yongkai Ye, Chaoyue Han, Shuo Kang, Jianzhuang Zhao, Rob B.N. Scharff, Jun Wang, Dongdong Du (2024). Development of a novel variable-curvature soft gripper used for orientating broccoli in the trimming line. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
- Dongdong Du, Yongkai Ye, Dongfang Li, Jie Fan, Rob B.N. Scharff, Jun Wang, Fake Shan (2024). Nondestructive evaluation of harvested cabbage texture quality using 3D scanning technology. Journal of Food Engineering.
- Yuxin Bao, M.K. Leung, Dicken Poon, Changying Xiang (2024). Integrating Vertical Farm into Low-carbon High-rise Building in High-density Context: A Design Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Building Engineering.
- Wanting Wang, Hongxing Yang, Changying Xiang (2024). The overall performance of a novel semi-transparent photovoltaic window with passive radiative cooling coating – A comparative study. Energy and Buildings.
- Wanting Wang, Kaiyan Xu, Shenghui Song, Yuxin Bao, Changying Xiang (2024). From BIM to digital twin in BIPV: A review of current knowledge. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.
- Xiao Tian, Jianing Li, Li Li (2024). Bioinspired green fabricating design of ultra-breathable and moisture wicking fabric via a sustainable route. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Jiajun Song, Li Li, Wai-Yeung Wong, Feng Yan (2024). Organic Mixed Conductors in Electrochemical Transistors for Bioelectronic Applications. Accounts of Materials Research.
- Qian Zhang, Manyu Wang, Tao Chen, Zipeng Chen, Dongfang Liu, Zhixun Zhang, Lei Zhuo, Yuge Wang, Xingfang Xiao, Bin Zhu, Li Li, Weilin Xu (2024). Sweat Gland-Like Fabric for Personal Thermal-Wet Comfort Management. Advanced Functional Materials.
- Mei Yu Yao, Li Li (2024). Revival of cultural textile arts: creation of innovative weaving technology for fabricating traditional Chinese non-fixed four-warp leno. The Journal of The Textile Institute.
- Guoxin Zhang, Tommy Tung-Ho Hong, Li Li & Ming Zhang (2024). Automatic Detection of Fatigued Gait Patterns in Older Adults: An Intelligent Portable Device Integrating Force and Inertial Measurements with Machine Learning. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
- H. Gu, L. Zhao, Z. Han, G. Zheng, and S.H. Song (2024). AI-Enhanced Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative Network: Survey, Applications, and Future Directions. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
- X. Zhang and S.H. Song (2024). Secrecy analysis for IRS-aided wiretap MIMO communications: Fundamental limits and system design. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- H. He, X. Yu, J. Zhang, S.H. Song, and K. B. Letaief (2024). Message Passing Meets Graph Neural Networks: A New Paradigm for Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- G. W. M. Dunda and S.H. Song (2024). Fairness-aware Federated Minimax Optimization with Convergence Guarantee. IEEE CAI 2024.*
- L Xie, F Liu, Z Xie, Z Jiang, and S.H. Song (2024). Sensing Mutual Information with Random Signals in Gaussian Channels. ICC 2024.*
- W Yu, H He, X Yu, S.H. Song, J Zhang, R. D. Murch, and K. B. Letaief (2024). Bayes-Optimal Unsupervised Learning for Channel Estimation in Near-Field Holographic MIMO. ICC 2024.*
- Y. Ma, W. Yu, X. Yu, J. Zhang, S.H. Song, and Khaled B. Letaief (2024). Lightweight and Flexible Deep Equilibrium Learning for CSI Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN).*
*These papers are published in conferences.