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Celebrating Newly Appointed and Promoted Faculty, and New Administrative Appointments at AIS

The Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) congratulates all the faculty members recently appointed to administrative roles and promoted within our divisions and program, and welcomes new faculty members who have joined us since February 1, 2024.


These faculty members have distinguished themselves across various domains. Together with our current group of world-class scholars, they will bolster our commitment to drive new pedagogy and interdisciplinary research in emerging areas with flexibility and agility.


Administrative Appointments (w.e.f. July 1, 2024)


Prof. Naubahar SHARIF
Appointed Head, Division of Public Policy
Professor, Division of Public Policy and Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Expertise: Innovation and technology policy in Hong Kong and China; Belt and Road initiative; Mental Health and Wellbeing

Prof. FU Hongbo
Appointed Acting Head, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity
Professor, Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas and Division of Arts and Machine Creativity

Expertise: Computer graphics; Human-computer interaction; Computer vision

Prof. CHEN Fei
Appointed Associate Head, Division of Environment and Sustainability
Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Expertise: Land-atmosphere interactions; Land-surface and hydrologic process; Development of community land-surface, weather prediction, and climate models; Urbanization and its impacts on weather and climate; Agriculture management modelling in land-surface models; Regional climate modelling and assessment

Prof. Nevin ZHANG
Co-director, Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management 
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Expertise: Bayesian networks; Artificial intelligence; Machine learning


Promotion to Full Professor (w.e.f. July 1, 2024)


Prof. YEUNG Sai Kit
Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design 

Expertise: Computer vision; Computer graphics; Computational design; Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM)


Promotion to Associate Professor (w.e.f. July 1, 2024)


Prof. SHI Xiaoming
Associate Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability


Expertise: Atmospheric science and weather prediction; Regional climate change modeling; Computational fluid dynamics; Atmospheric science; Climate change and variability


Promotion to Senior Lecturer (w.e.f. Sep 1, 2024)


Dr. ZHANG Rong
Senior Lecturer, Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas


New Faculty in alphabetical order of Divisions and surnames (Feb 1 to Sep 6, 2024)


Division of Arts and Machine Creativity


Dr. Anna KWONG
Senior Lecturer, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity

Expertise: Lingnan School Chinese ink painting (theory and practice); Art appreciation; Contemporary architecture; Visual arts; Creative art education; Western art history; World architecture

Prof. Harry YANG
Assistant Professor, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity

Expertise: Computer vision; Natural language processing; Generative AI (GenAI) with a focus on image and video generation


Division of Arts and Machine Creativity and Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Prof. LUO Wenhan
Associate Professor, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity and Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Expertise: Creative AI; Generative models; Image and video generation; Content restoration; Computer vision

Prof. RAO Anyi
Assistant Professor, Division of Arts and Machine Creativity and Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Expertise: Reliable, steerable and explainable human-centered AI for creativity, multimodality, and film, with focuses on intelligent media editing and creation, semantic and cinematic analysis


Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas


Prof. HAN Jun
Assistant Professor, Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Expertise: Scientific visualization; Deep learning; Human-computer interaction: AIGC for Scientific Data Generation and Synthesis, Foundation Model for Scientific Visualization, Visual and Interactive Techniques for Explainable AI, Automatic Visual Manipulation

Prof. Alex MA
Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Expertise: Cinematic arts; Creative producing and management; Emerging technologies in film and media

Prof. XU Ying
Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas

Expertise: Weiqi


Division of Environment and Sustainability


Prof. Theodore K KOENIG
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Expertise: Atmospheric chemistry impacts on air quality and climate; Multiphase chemistry; Nitrogen and halogens

Prof. LIU Xueying
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Expertise: Air pollution measurement and modeling; Remote sensing of air quality; Air pollution exposure and health impact assessment; Climate change and variability; Ecological modelling

Prof. LIU Zhang
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Expertise: Environmental technologies; Water pollution; Smart manufacturing; Environmental chemistry

Ir. Prof. Cary W H CHAN
Adjunct Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability

Expertise: Building energy efficiency; Managing climate change relating to built environment


Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Prof. Lilly LI 
Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Expertise: Design thinking; Advanced manufacturing; Fiber composite materials; Structure-based soft matter and art

Prof. SHAO Qijia
Assistant Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Expertise: Mobile computing; Ubiquitous computing; Human-computer interaction

Prof. Terrence YEE
Adjunct Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Expertise: Technology and Product Development; Entrepreneurship and Management; Development of Transferrable Skills



Division of Public Policy

Prof. Jeffrey CHOW
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Public Policy
Expertise: Environmental and natural resource economics; Environmental policy and governance; Climate change and global environmental governance; Health policy; Big data and social science research
Prof. Nicolo LUDOVICE
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Public Policy
Expertise: Food policy; History and policy; Environmental history; Science, technology, and medicine studies; Health-environmental humanities
